Aminet 35
Aminet 35 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Feb 2000].iso
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89 lines
| Contents of the directory gfx : Graphics
F5-MS_Monzoom.lha gfx/3dobj 82K 8+F5 fighter object for Monzoom
KotakObj.lha gfx/3dobj 716K 4+Klingon Kotak Scout Fighter
r-b5.lha gfx/3dobj 577K 8+Babylon5 for monzoom, Reflections
belinea107030.lha gfx/board 0K 5+Monitor File CGX4 Belinea107030
chunkyppc.lha gfx/board 54K 9+Chunkyppc.library (WarpUP and 68k suppor
CleanRun.lha gfx/board 8K 7+Cleans up bvppc screen when AGA screen o
cybershow93b.lha gfx/board 137K 7+SlideShow&Viewer(incl.PCD)for CybGfx&AGA
cybershow94.lha gfx/board 138K 2+SlideShow&Viewer(incl.PCD)for CybGfx&AGA
PalomaPEG.lha gfx/board 11K 4+Ultimate Real-time MPEG1 video encoder f
Picasso96.lha gfx/board 582K 7+Picasso96 system for Amiga graphics boar
PIV-MooVId.lha gfx/board 87K 4+The Ultimate AVI/MOV player for PicassoI
PVS.lha gfx/board 33K 3+Global Prefs editor for Picasso96
Anim2gif-gui.lha gfx/conv 149K 4+GUI , Converts anims to gifs Various Opt
CreateIndex.lha gfx/conv 16K 3+Make HTML picture index with ImageStudio
ExtractJPEGs.lha gfx/conv 7K 3+Extracts JPEGs (e.g. from Quicktime movi
FPScon.lha gfx/conv 6K 3+Reduces the framerate of video frame seq
JPEG-Box.lha gfx/conv 213K 4+JPEG generator for WWW graphics V4.30 (6
jpeg2ps.lha gfx/conv 66K 6+JPEG to Postscript converter V1.8 (68k+P
MetaView.lha gfx/conv 495K 3+The best vector(AMF,CGM,CLP,DR2D,DSDR,DX
Mpeg2ani14c.lha gfx/conv 612K 5+Converts MPEG animations into ANIM files
MPEG2Dec.lha gfx/conv 66K 4+MPEG-1/2 Video Decoder For 68000/010 Ami
pic2icon.lha gfx/conv 7K 4+Convert pictures to icons (OS 3.5)
set2anim.lha gfx/conv 43K 5+MovieSetter -> ANIM+audio converter
SmartScale.lha gfx/conv 11K 1+A CLI program used for graphics conversi
AmiCAD_2.04.lha gfx/edit 647K 6+Schematics vectorial electronics program
IE-GuideFR.lha gfx/edit 76K 8+Image Eng. - French Documentation
PfPaint.lha gfx/edit 923K 4+Powerful painter (V1.2) for Gfx cards.
PfPaint_ENG.lha gfx/edit 23K 4+English documentation for PerfectPaint V
PfPaint_FRA.lha gfx/edit 26K 4+French documentation for PerfectPaint V1
PicScale.lha gfx/edit 67K 4+Scale Pics in a window
VE-batchpro.lha gfx/edit 1K 4+Visual Eng. - Batch Process v1.01
VE-Tutorial1.lha gfx/edit 71K 4+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 1
VE-Tutorial2.lha gfx/edit 107K 4+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 2
VE-Tutorial3.lha gfx/edit 64K 4+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 3
VE-Tutorial4.lha gfx/edit 33K 3+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 4
VE-Tutorial5.lha gfx/edit 68K 4+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 5
VE-Tutorial6.lha gfx/edit 47K 4+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 6
VE-Tutorial7.lha gfx/edit 106K 4+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 7
VE-Tutorial8.lha gfx/edit 98K 4+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 8
VE-unkregion.lha gfx/edit 2K 4+Visual Eng. - Unknown Region v1.02
VE-VAlphaP.lha gfx/edit 270K 3+Visual Eng. - Visual Alpha Preview
VE-VAnim.lha gfx/edit 4K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Anim v2.35
VE-VBorderD.lha gfx/edit 251K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Border Demo v1.22
VE-VCard.lha gfx/edit 4K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Card v1.81
VE-VGradient.lha gfx/edit 3K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Gradient v1.29
VE-VLogoD.lha gfx/edit 146K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Logo Demo v1.21
VE-VPuzzleP.lha gfx/edit 59K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Puzzle Preview
VE-VSurface.lha gfx/edit 3K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Surface v1.28
VE-VTexture2.lha gfx/edit 16K 4+Visual Eng. - Visual Texture 2 v1.00
NewFraktal.lha gfx/fract 16K 7+V1.0 of a fraktal-generator
FFL-Filters.lha gfx/ifx 138K 9+Filters for ImageFX's FXForge.
IFX-Patcher.lha gfx/ifx 4K 1+ImageFX 4.0/4.1-patcher for OS3.5 !!
REDFiX.lha gfx/ifx 135K 2+Powerful ImageFX v1.5...v4.1 enhancer. v
Saturate.lha gfx/ifx 8K 9+Improved saturation for ImageFX 2.x
FileInfo.lha gfx/misc 15K 4+An AppWindow who givs you Information ab
gnuplot-bin.lha gfx/misc 1.8M 9+Interactive function and data plotting
gnuplot-doc.lha gfx/misc 354K 9+Interactive function and data plotting
gnuplot-src.lha gfx/misc 1.5M 9+Interactive function and data plotting
MakeSuffix.lha gfx/misc 17K 1+Script who makes the Suffixs for Graphic
meshw02_bin.lha gfx/misc 257K 5+3d mesh writer library, supports a lot o
photoalbum64.lha gfx/misc 228K 7+Picture management (incl.PCD) for AGA&Cy
photoalbum65.lha gfx/misc 229K 2+Picture management (incl.PCD) for AGA&Cy
PSPrintAE.lha gfx/misc 60K 3+PostScript-Print, PlugIn for ArtEffect2+
SvIV-1.lha gfx/misc 318K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 1/8
SvIV-2.lha gfx/misc 218K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 2/8
SvIV-3a.lha gfx/misc 136K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 3a/8
SvIV-3b.lha gfx/misc 222K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 3b/8
SvIV-4.lha gfx/misc 43K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 4/8
SvIV-5.lha gfx/misc 60K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 5/8
SvIV-6.lha gfx/misc 62K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 6/8 (opt
SvIV-7.lha gfx/misc 116K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 7/8 (opt
SvIV-8.lha gfx/misc 221K 1+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 8/8 (opt
SvIVFix901.lha gfx/misc 36K 9+*Fix* for SViewIV V9.01 (5.11.99)
SvIVFix905.lha gfx/misc 10K 6+*Fix* for SViewIV V9.05 (28.11.99)
VLRecNG.lha gfx/misc 397K 9+V3.5: VHI, Record, Grab, WebCam, Timelap
akMPEG2.lha gfx/show 127K 1+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V3.07 (68k/
akMPEG4.lha gfx/show 133K 1+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V4.01 (68k/
AMP.lha gfx/show 225K 7+MPEG1/2, FLI/FLC, AVI, QT player for War
amybw216.lha gfx/show 253K 4+Blue Wave and QWK reader
Frogger.lha gfx/show 340K 2+Ultimate MPEG video player (68k & PPC v1
MPEGPlay.lha gfx/show 186K 4+MPEG Video Player For 68000/010 Amigas.
sJFIF172.lha gfx/show 13K 7+JFIF viewer for AGA AmigOS
SoftCinema.lha gfx/show 325K 2+Ultimate Movie Player (PPC) V0.8
Voyeur.lha gfx/show 37K 4+Pict. viewer using dtypes + magnif. + sr
yav170.lha gfx/show 396K 7+NEW PowerPC support. Shows bitmap pictur
YBrowse.lha gfx/show 20K 9+Browse & Repair VLab YUVN sequences